Regional Company Structures

All companies and universities active in your region per technology
We show the activities of companies in your region in up to 100 technologies. You can quickly identify the biggest and best companies in your region in specific technologies or clusters. You can identify companies working on the same technologies, even if they belong to other traditional industry sectors. Activities of universities and research institutions are also shown.
Product Deliverables
Large data set
List of players with their technology activities, total patents and world-class patents, as time series from 2010-2023 (up to 3’000 data points per company).
Download product sample
Full non-restricted product sample, containing all data for all active companies
Price and delivery time
The technology structures product with the products in your region as described above is provided as an extensive Excel data file for CHF 3’000 net.
Select one of the approximately 5,000 available regions at TL3 level (see available regions below), or choose a freely definable aggregation of several TL3 regions, for example a broader metropolitan area.
You can choose between a focus on green technologies or gamechanger technologies. Both sets consist of companies in up to 100 technologies, whereby some technologies are represented in both sets. Please note that not all technologies are available for all regions, as this depends on the local technology structure. If you wish to order both technology sets, you will receive a 50% discount on the second structure set, i.e. the total price for both sets is CHF 4,500 net.
You can also order this product in combination with the Technology Profiles product. In this case you receive a 50% discount on this Company Structures product.
The delivery time is usually 2-3 working days.
All Regional Products
Regional availability

5’100 Regions in 44 Countries
193 Countries and 54 Dependencies available on Country Level
Check your region
Flexible regional aggregations
Technological trends sometimes transcend traditional political regional boundaries. Metropolitan regions and even cross-border regions can be freely defined to accurately depict technological strength.