EconSight Green Technologies
The most comprehensive look at green technologies
100 GreenTechs
Extensive greentechs that completely cover the field in breadth and depth and are constantly expanding
Profiles and Markets
Company perspective and market perspective for perfect assessments
10 Technology Fields
The major developments and trends at a glance
Green and brown shares
Company classification in a nutshell
Quality and Dynamics
Intuitive and transparent indicators for the detailed analysis
Tracing real technical progress in green technologies
The right tools for comprehensive company analysis
GreenTech is one of the key elements of strategic portfolio management. Many companies are intensifying their green activities and declare a zero-emission target for the near future. However, the path to this goal is difficult to explain and to verify. By focussing on patents we can present a very differentiated view of the companies’ move towards green. Green patent activities act as a general early indicator and are therefore an important metric for sustainability strategies in companies – especially for showing a change in strategy at an early stage. Long before the products are on the market, the increasing importance of a climate protection and sustainability strategy can be read from the research activities.
Up to 100 GreenTechs can be analysed individually, in 10 broad technology fields or as a complete package. In addition, green activities can be matched with existing activities in other technologies, especially controversial technologies. In this way, serious structural changes towards green can be identified.
Regularly updated and extended
EconSight specialists regularly define, update and expand the Green Techs in cooperation with experts from various universities, institutions, companies and partners from the investment sector in order to be able to provide up-to-date information as a solid foundation for decision-making at all times. EconSight also closely follows the development of the EU classification system for sustainable economic activities. New developments by the European Commission and the Member State Expert Group are promptly implemented to ensure full compatibility of our technologies even before the two major acts on climate-related objectives and environmental objectives are adopted.
Tracing trends in green technologies
Major Trends in GreenTech.
The technologies cover every aspect from renewable energy technologies and more efficient production technologies, to sustainable consumption technologies and climate change mitigation technologies.
EconSight Innovation Report 2023
The best 1000 companies in 100 green technologies
Check out our new analysis
Early indicator
Serious structural change?!
Comparing industry sector GreenTech strategies
World class patent analysis
Leading companies in Green
Who is ahead in individual green technologies? Tried and trusted indicators for an objective view of company competitiveness in specific green markets.
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