Making future markets systematically investable today

Financial Services

Measurable market insights and indicators based on patent data

From patent data to indicator-based information, and measurable market insights

Patents are a forward looking indicator and measure company innovation that will lead to a product within 2-5 years. A company with significant patent activity in a certain technology will likely develop and monetize a product in the coming years. Conversely, a company without patents is unlikely to play an active role in the specific activity in the future.

Therefore, we have quantified information about potential future markets that do not yet exist in standard statistics and financial data. Through the quantitative analysis of patents filed by companies, it is possible to gather intelligence on technologies and market trends. By further grouping these patents into understandable concepts, the layer of abstraction is removed, and future markets can be accessed. EconSight provides clarity by turning expert patent data into structured indicator-based information and measurable market insights for data-driven investment decisions. We ask who is active in Smart Factory, Virtual Reality, Brain-Machine Interaction, Personal Medicine, Precision Agriculture or Artificial Intelligence, and who is good in these technologies.

The best companies in metaverse technologies

EconSight products for well-founded investment decisions

Transformative Investing


Cutting edge innovators in game changing technologies

Key innovation indicator for active fund managers

  • Most promising and dynamic companies

  • Broad technology selections

  • EconSight Transformative Score (EDS)

  • Index-based selection and company ranking

Thematic Investing


The dominant and most innovative players in a specific technology

Passive and rule-based thematic funds, ETFs

  • The biggest and best companies

  • Specific technology or tech theme

  • EconSight World Class Score (EWS)

  • Qualified selection and company ranking

Precision Investing


Exciting newcomers in highly specialised technology domains

Private Equity, Venture Capital

  • Exciting, small, and specialised companies

  • Specially defined technology niche

  • EconSight Contextual Innovation Analytics (ECA)

  • Focus company and conceptually close competitors

Major players trust the EconSight approach


Thematic Blackrock funds powered by EconSight  

EconSight, STOXX and Blackrock are developing patent based thematic funds which rely on EconSight technologies, high quality patents, and specialization score methodology to select the top companies in carefully defined technology environments such as Metaverse or Batterie Technologies.

Comprehensive data universe for a wide range of use cases


Investment Services

Which companies have the greatest potential in future markets?

We can cleanly analyze more than 7000 ISIN-mapped companies based on their technology profiles, evaluate them in terms of quality and assess the competitive opportunities in future markets.

We analyze the most interesting future markets and identify the players with the best opportunities in these markets. This is more than just the innovative strength of the companies – we want to know who can survive in the market environment, i.e. who has the greatest potential to generate high revenues in these markets.

Venture Capital and Private Equity

Venture Capital Services

We position young and interesting companies in the market and make them assessable and investable

We identify the young, exciting and dynamic companies out of more than 3.5 million companies. We characterize the companies based on their technological competence and position them in the market. In this way, we make the companies assessable and financeable.

We show the environment of the companies including competitors, as well as potential cooperation partners or major exit partners. We can even evaluate companies without patents based on their business idea.

Background – what do we do new, different and better?