Thematic Investing
Identifying the best companies in a technology
Fast and precise results for passive and rule-based funds
This approach produces a thematic benchmark and makes future technology-based markets investable today by selecting the best active companies. The approach is very suitable for passive and rule-based thematic funds that focus on a specific technology or a similar technology theme.
The best companies in a specific technology
The key players with the biggest high-quality patent portfolio in a specific technology. The focus is on world-class patents (top 10% patents). The approach also takes the specialization degree into account which indicates the relevancy of the technology for a company compared to total company technology activities.
Scientific foundation of the World Class Score
The world-class scoring method is based on the EconSight patent «Computer implemented method for producing a patent-data based indicator» published in 2023.
The thematic investing approach
BlackRock products based on the EconSight thematic investing approach
First thematic Blackrock fund powered by EconSight
The BlackRock iShares Metaverse UCITS ETF tracks the STOXX Global Metaverse Index and is the first fund to identify market leaders, innovators and specialists in the metaverse based on Econsight patent data.
EconSight has worked closely with Qontigo and Blackrock on the development of the index to identify the pioneering companies developing the Metaverse. The index relies on EconSight technologies, High Quality Patents, and Specialization Score methodology to select the top companies within the metaverse technologies. A special element of the fund is the intelligent combination of core and enabling technologies that make up the metaverse, ranging from 3D image modelling, avatars, blockchain, graphic processing units (GPU), non-fungible tokens (NFT) and virtual, augmented and extended reality – all developed by EconSight.
The index comprises 65 global companies ranging from the digital marketplace, gaming, healthcare, manufacturing, software as well as hardware and components. This incorporates companies developing interactive virtual platforms, wearables, and immersive technologies as well as those companies providing the necessary computer processing capabilities and infrastructure.