Pathway 2035 for Financial Innovation

EconSight AI contribution in new Swiss Financial Innovation Desk publication

Pathway 2035 for Financial Innovation

«Pathway 2035 for Financial Innovation»

The paper “Pathway 2035 for Financial Innovation” by the Swiss Financial Innovation Desk at the Federal Department of Finance was officially released. A precise analysis of the four transformative topics of Artificial Intelligence, Digital Assets, Digital Trust and Quantum-Safe Technologies and their impact on the future of finance. EconSight contributed an analysis of the application of AI in finance and other cutting edge technologies against the background of different AI regulatory approaches in the three major markets USA, EU and China. Well worth a read and we look forward to the discussions.

The chart above highlights this as it shows the application of AI to selected cutting-edge technologies (world-class patents). The analysis shows that China is competing with the US for leadership in a large proportion of the most critical application technologies in energy, industry, fintech, health, biometrics and mobility. The EU is lagging behind in most technologies. Although the US is still leading in some areas, particularly in health tech, the trend and momentum are in favor of China.

Official Release at the World Economic Forum in Davos 2025

EconSight at World Economic Forum

The publication was officially released at the World Economic Forum in the House of Switzerland.