The concept search for Vapour Deposition Process for BPPs in Fuel Cells retrieved a number of players with different solutions for various problems and benefits. We have found players from OEM automotive in the same space beside small Coating and PVD players, as well as air transport and general FC producers. Cellcentric, Bosch and Volkswagen seem to be particular active in this technology, but others are similarly keen to solve many issue with BBPs in Fuel Cells, such as longevity, robustness, efficiency, corrosion resistance and general lifetime improvements beside minimizing contact resistance or optimizing water management beside many others. Several new materials are discussed, such as carbon in addition to titanium. Beside coating technologies we also see other surface related techniques, such as laser structuring. These concepts might however be only strived by the used search concept and therefore better searched separately.
Overall it seems the elsewhere noted general trend towards usage of FCs in more Heavy Duty environment seems to be well supported by the broad development of more robust FCs thanks to better coatings of BPP.
Technology concept definition
Vapor Deposition Coating Process for Bipolar Plates in Fuel Cell Applications: Patents describing a vapor deposition coating process for bipolar plates used in fuel cell applications. This process enhances the durability and electrical conductivity of the plates, significantly improving the overall efficiency of the fuel cell.
Identification of competitive environment
The relevance of the company is calculated as the similarity of their patents compared to the technology concept. The closer to the core, the higher the similarity. An identified patent is measured by the distance of its closest text element compared to the target concept. A company as the patent owner is positioned according to its closest patent’s distance. Companies are further categorized into segments based on their primary activities in terms of relevant technological applications (red, yellow and green segments).