Cold Storage – Competitive Enironment
Methodology and Background
The diagram shows the competitive environment in the Cold Storage technology on the basis of technological similarity. Specifically, the patents that are particularly close to the core technology in terms of content were identified. Similarity to the core technology is expressed as the distance to the reference point in the center. The more similar a patent is, the closer it is to the center. The environment was also segmented. A distinction is made between small and large companies on the basis of their total patent portfolios. The small and specialised companies can be identified, as well as their potential (exit) partners.
A mouseover over the respective sphere shows the most relevant patent of this company (with a link to the original document) and a brief summary of the patent.
Technology concept approach
The technology or competitive environment is developed based on textual concepts. A full-text analysis of all patents worldwide with our AI-based approach identifies all relevant patents for the concepts and perfectly defines the technology target area. The technology is usually defined as a combination of technology concepts that examine the topic from different perspectives. This ensures the best possible delimitation and precision of the technology. In this case three concepts were applied.
- Concept 1: Holographic Data Storage or other advanced optical data storage technologies for very large or low energy consuming data storage.
- Concept 2: Ceramic Large Data Storage, non-volatile or cold Data Storage or energy reduced storage based on physical methods and using ceramic material.
- Concept 3: Materials for Large Data Storage, non-volatile or cold Data Storage or energy reduced data storage based on physical methods. We search alternatives for ceramic, ferroelectric polymers or holographic methods having comparable properties.