Climate target 2030 – Technologies for effective climate protection


Photos: Stefan Obermeier

On 17 February in Munich, at the online congress of the Bavarian Business Association, EconSight used more than 60 technologies (GreenTechs) to show what technological contribution Bavaria can make to climate protection. In addition, 20 advanced digitalisation technologies were used to show which climate protection technologies in Bavaria are already highly digitalised. Afterwards, the energy experts from the major German parties discussed, among other things, how the use of technological innovations for climate protection can be better promoted.


Bertram Brossardt, Chief Executive Officer, vbw – Association of Bavarian Business e. V.

Kai Gramke, Managing Director, EconSight GmbH, Basel

Lisa Badum Member of the Bundestag, Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen

Dr. Lukas Köhler Member of the Bundestag, FDP

Dr. Georg Nüßlein Member of the Bundestag, CSU

Moderation: Alexander Hagelüken, Senior Editor, Süddeutsche Zeitung

Further information can be found here (German)