New study – GreenTech – Sustainable Innovations.

EconSight has defined and analysed over 60 climate protection and sustainability technologies for the new study of the Bavarian Business Association

60 GreenTechs and 20 DigitalTechs show Bavaria’s technological performance in a unique level of detail.

EconSight, together with Prognos, GWS and Twin Economics, has produced the new study of the Bavarian Business Council for the Future on the key topic of climate protection. The aim is to create a positive perspective of the future for a (largely) climate-neutral Bavaria and Germany, in particular by using technological opportunities. The central question is which opportunities for the Bavarian and German economy lie in new technologies, innovative approaches or business models that contribute to climate protection, climate adaptation and sustainability. The study analyses, among other things, which technologies have particularly great potential and how the various regions worldwide are positioned there today.

EconSight conducted a comprehensive technology analysis. For this purpose, a total of 62 climate protection and sustainability technologies were defined and analysed for 13 countries and country groups. In addition, 20 advanced digitalisation technologies were identified to provide a comprehensive overview of the use of digitalisation in climate and sustainability technologies.