Germany 2030: Exploiting growth opportunities through creative renewal

New McKinsey study with EconSight cutting-edge technologies and world-class patents.
In view of the fundamental changes in the economy and society, Germany needs a creative renewal to maintain its prosperity and exploit growth opportunities, according to the new McKinsey study. McKinsey identifies 6 fields of action: top companies are expected to transform into high-growth fields; digitization is the most urgent issue in the SME sector; start-ups lack entrepreneurship, start-up culture and capital; future work content must reflect ongoing digitization and be geared toward lifelong learning; and the state must create planning security for the energy transition and results-oriented regulation and administration.
In the context of the field of action “Investments in technology leadership,” McKinsey justifies the demands with the EconSight cutting-edge technologies and world-class patents that we calculated for the Bertelsmann Stiftung as part of the study „World class patents in cutting-edge technologies – The innovation power of East Asia, North America, and Europe.”