The innovation power of East Asia, North America, and Europe
The new EconSight study for the Bertelsmann Foundation has been published

«World class patents in cutting-edge technologies – the innovation power of East Asia, North America, and Europe»
The international balance of power in innovation is shifting – to the advantage von East Asia. This is the central finding of a new study by the Bertelsmann Stiftung on the development of national and regional portfolios of patents in cutting-edge technologies since 2000. Innovation is the fundament of social progress and international competitiveness. This is particularly true for new developments in important cutting-edge technologies such as 3D printing or artificial intelligence. The study takes a closer look at the most important patents in 58 of these technologies. Based on a new approach to patent assessment, the Swiss Research Institute and Consultancy EconSight analyzes how the innovative power of major economies and world regions has shifted between 2000 and 2019.
The diagrams above show the development in selected technologies for the most important European countries in comparison with the USA and the most important East Asian countries. The complete analysis of all 58 technologies can be read in the study published by the Bertelsmann Foundation.