Top 20 companies over time. This shows development, dynamics on a click.

Bar chart Race over time. This shows development, dynamics and works quite well on social media.

A static visual where company logos represent size. This might work for 100 companies or more.

This one is not XR, yet but illustrates that technology development might work with all companies in XR. Colours could be company headquarters and top-companies could be labelled.

The following is a visual that we prepared in Apple Keynote instead of in Flourish. This is how we usually showcase our data in presentations. This could also be added as a movie to a Website. The example is not XR but can be adapted.

Here is the download link to the movie

The following is an idea that we tested a couple of months ago but we never published it. We thought that information about XR should also be presented in an XR-environment. We tried several ideas and made a two minute movie. Of course, this is not finished and does not look very professional but we think that it might be possible to produce something similar in a professional manner.

Here is the download link to the movie